Holiday Stress – Women Are Feeling It!

Posted by on Nov 26, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments

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Studies have concluded that women feel holiday stress more acutely than the rest of the family.  Here is one of the conclusions from a study done on Holiday Stress:

Women are particularly vulnerable to increased stress around the holiday season. It is

women who shoulder the majority of the family burden for shopping and holiday celebrations

and they feel particular stress from the time crunch required to get everything done.” (Greenburg, 2006)

Relief from stressful symptoms is one of the main reasons people come to see me for massage.  Massage can be a great strategy for temporary relief from stressful symptoms.  If you don’t have time for a massage, there’s lots of other really great things you can do to keep your stress down this season.  Let’s see what the professionals have to say about it!

Here are some helpful hints according to Dr. Susan Biali from Best Health

  1. Watch what you say – When we speak positively about our experiences, we feel more positive.
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  3. Eat and drink to your good health – Don’t stop nourishing your body because it’s the holidays!  Plan for some healthy food each day.
  4. Pace yourself –  Protect unscheduled time in your calendar whenever you can.
  5. Give experiences instead of gifts – Forgo the gifts and associated marathon shopping; plan a special dinner or night out with loved ones instead. For even more peace and joy, do it in January.
  6. Take time to really savour the season – This will mean something different for all of us. For me, it might mean sitting with my son and teaching him to play a holiday song on his ukulele.
  7. Be present – Tune in to the people around you and really be with them, so you don’t miss out on what counts most—after all, how often are you together with the people who matter most to you?
  8. Get connected – Despite the commercialism and chaos, this can still be a deeply spiritual time of year. Take time to connect with something greater than yourself; it will help you feel calmer and more centred.
  9. Follow the “one drink” rule – Despite the warm glow it gives you, alcohol can stimulate stress hormones and interfere with the quality of your sleep.
  10. Get all hands on deck – Put your Superwoman cape away and delegate everything you can.
  11. Commit to peace, joy and love – What if, starting this year, the holidays were a time when you proceeded through your days and evenings serenely, and you let go of any pressure you’re supposed to feel? Let’s take the holidays back. Let’s proclaim, and reclaim, peace and joy for all—starting with yourself.


Greenburg, A., & Berktold, J. (2006, December 12). Holiday Stress.

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