Come in when you’re feeling your worst… I’m here to help!

Posted by on Dec 11, 2014 in Blog | 0 comments

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One of the most common reasons why patients postpone their appointments is because they are sick.  This has always left me baffled!  The truth is I want to see patients when they are sick and at their worst so that I can assess and see for myself exactly what they are dealing with.  As a naturopathic doctor treating acute colds and flus properly is equally as important as preventing them.

Many people don’t think twice about visiting their GP when sick looking for some relief but are unaware that visiting a naturopath can help ease the symptoms and aid the body in fighting the sickness.  NDs are trained as primary care physicians with the skills and knowledge to evaluate illnesses, rule out serious conditions and treat effectively, without the use of antibiotics.  These acute visits are 15-20 minutes in length and deal specifically with conditions that require immediate attention and treatment.

What happens during an acute visit?

There are 3 stages to my acute visits:

    • Health history– in other words we go over your symptoms and details necessary to make a sound diagnosis.
    • Physical assessment specific to your illness.  This may include taking temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, listening to the lungs, assessing for swollen lymph nodes, swollen tonsils, sinuses, etc.
    • Treatment- individualized treatment plans for your specific needs are discussed.  Treatment may include botanical medicines, effective dietary and lifestyle changes that promote immunity, hydrotherapy and neutraceuticals.

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So if you are battling with a stubborn cold or flu and need an effective natural approach, don’t’ shy away with your symptoms… come in for a 15 minute acute visit and see how naturopathic medicine can help!

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