Posted by Dr. Chad Morton on Nov 1, 2013 in Blog | 0 comments
Recent research suggests that sitting back on an angle throughout the work day may be more beneficial than just “sitting up straight.”
According to researchers sitting at a 135 degree hip to torso angle was the best position to sit in while you work at your desk. This reclined slouch position reduces the strain on the discs and muscles compared to that of an upright or slouched forward position.
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As we all know, we weren’t designed to sit all day. By maintaining a stressful sitting position we stress the discs, bones, nerves and associated muscles in your back.
This chronic stress contributes to the wear and tear on your spine and ultimately leads to pain, deformity and chronic illness (i.e. low back pain or disc bulge/herniation)
Although researchers say that 135 degrees is the ideal, in this position there is a tendency for your bum to slide off the chair. For that reason they recommend a 1120 degree position with your feet squarely on the floor.