Posted by Dr. Reka Laszlo on Sep 15, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments
We’ve all been there… feeling overwhelmed with the stresses life throws at us and not finding time to focus on the things we love or, our health. Finding a balance between work, life and health is arguably the most common source of stress evident in clinical practice. Sometimes taking a step back and a change in perspective can make all the difference.
The strive for perfection is overwhelmingly common these days. During this unrealistic pursuit, people are often left feeling discouraged or worse, defeated. For this reason, I have always encouraged a sound Work-Life-Health balance which focuses on the small but significant changes (micro-changes). These are changes we can make on a daily basis to better our lives and aid in sustaining a more positive mindset. My advice is simple: make one small micro-change at a time and be proud of it! Making one micro-change at a time is easier and more manageable than revamping our whole lifestyle and routine. Each small goal we accomplish increases our chances for success and motivates us to continue.
A great way to make micro-changes is starting with the basics. These simple daily tasks can greatly impact our overall health, energy and mood, all of which keep us motivated and feeling great!
Self Care = Do one thing for YOU everyday! I’m a big fan of encouraging self-care practices. I often find we are so busy doing things for others we forget to take care of ourselves. Self-care habits are simple and easy ways to nurture your soul as a means to cultivate inner happiness. This doesn’t have to be time consuming or costly, just something that’s for you. Some great examples are: Enjoying your favourite cup of tea, taking a bath at the end of the day, reading a few chapters of a book, stretching, meditating, drawing, colouring, painting or, journaling, etc. Whatever it may be, this time is for you and should be something you look forward to each day. Remember, you deserve it!
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Spend time outside in the sun! This is as simple as it sounds: Leave all devices at home and get outside in the sun and fresh air! Spending time outside is a great way to reduce stress and blood pressure. Additionally, while the sun provides us with much needed vitamin D, it also helps maintain mood, bone health and a strong immune system. Canadian summers are short so, get out there, soak up the rays and enjoy the heat!
Make Health changes simple– when it comes to diet and exercise it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the endless diets and programs out there. So, let’s make it simple: Do ONE thing at a time! Why? Well, when we fully remove the demand and pressure placed upon ourselves to do everything all at once can we truly relax, focus on the task at hand, and break events/stresses down into small manageable steps.
We all know ourselves best and where we’d like to improve so, when making goals, think small and then think even smaller! For example: For some people, a goal of drinking 2 liters of water a day is a challenge. But if the goal is to drink a big glass of water each morning, that already seems more manageable and a goal more likely to be achieved! Setting goals is about making small changes into habits. Once a healthy habit has been formed we add-on to it, therefore working our way towards a healthier lifestyle with ease.
Celebrate your efforts and micro-changes! Rather than focusing on the things you haven’t accomplished, be proud of the efforts and changes you have made each day and each time you action them. This positive feedback naturally encourages and motivates ourselves to continue to set goals and meet them. It’s important to remember: The point of anything we do is to improve our quality of life!
So, let’s keep the message small, refreshing and, simple: Take care of yourself, get outside, breathe and start one micro-change at a time. Micro-changes lead to Macro-results. You’ve got this!