With the NHL playoffs in full swing we’re reminded of how much of a body contact sport hockey really is. It’s no secret that chiropractic care has been proven to help improve hockey players’ strength, endurance and range or motion. Many people in our community – young and old – are invested in the sport of hockey, and part and parcel to this investment is their pre-game training to optimize performance and post-game rehab. My hockey player clients remark that they experience smoother skating, quicker reflexes and more stable balance on the ice. While the hazards of playing hockey cannot be completely eliminated, the risk of injury can be substantially reduced with proper safety wear such as elbow pads and a helmet. Fortunately the majority of hockey injuries are mild and involve the soft tissues: muscle strains, bruises, ligament tears, and cuts. Below are some of the most common hockey injuries and how chiropractic care can help. Injury #1: Shoulder Shoulder separation and a broken collarbone are very common. These injuries occur from direct contact of the shoulder with another player, the boards, or the ice. Treatment can include a sling, rest, physical therapy and in serious cases surgery. Research published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) has shown that chiropractic care can reduce painful symptoms of recurrent shoulder instability related to hockey injuries. Injury #2: Elbows and Wrists The point of the elbow is a frequent area of contact, which can result in the development of bursitis. Thick and scarred bursal tissue or tendons in elbow can be a source of recurrent painful inflammation. A fall on the outstretched arm or contact with the boards that forces the wrist up or down may cause a fractures or jam the elbows/shoulder joints. Soft tissue therapy and restoring joint mobility help heal the injuries and prevent recurrent flare-ups. Injury #3: Back Low-back pain and/or a pulled muscle are the most common type of injuries that chiropractors treat in general. Hockey players are at risk for low-back injuries due to the flexed (forward) posture of skating and repetitive strain on the pelvic and hip flexors. In addition to regular adjustments on the vertebrae and pelvis, stretching out the hip flexors (psoas muscle) and gluteal muscles plus strengthening the core muscles will help rehabilitate and prevent these injuries. However, the black hat non-approved brand viagra 100mg are banned in most of the countries as the chemical combination of such drugs is unknown. At the same time as there are plenty of ways to preserve your commander cialis http://frankkrauseautomotive.com/cars-for-sale/page/3/?order_by=_price_value&order_by_dir=desc sexual life as you get to see rashes on your skin.It sometimes leads to persistent stiffness of male reproductive system for more than four hours after ejaculation or when you are not stimulated. 3. The USENET system has some distinct benefits compared to Internet forums that you might wish to consider if you’re into politics and if you’re following the presidential elections in the US this discount cialis frankkrauseautomotive.com year in particular. This action takes place in men with physical click this frankkrauseautomotive.com order viagra uk health related erectile issues. Injury #4: Hip The hip joint and groin muscles are susceptible to injury due to the mechanics of the skating stride. Some of the most common soft tissue injuries in hockey players include a groin strain and a hip flexor strain. Off-season strengthening and dedicated stretching before and after practice are important to prevent these injuries. Routine adjustments, massage and acupuncture are excellent treatments for hip and groin injuries. Injury #5: Knee Though less common in hockey than in other sports such as soccer and basketball, Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) disruption and meniscus tears (torn cartilage) can also occur. The medial collateral ligament is most susceptible to a sprain because of the leg position—pushing off the inside edge of the skate blade—and contact to the outside of the knee. Knee adjustments help release the built up tension in the knee and restore proper mobility to the joint. Injury #6: Concussion Concussions are a major concern for hockey players. You do not need to...
Read MoreThis recipe has been in the works for quite some time. I feel as though I’ve finally perfected it and I’m really excited to share it with all of you because it’s sooo freaking good!! This meal is loaded with protein and because we’re using almond flour it’s gluten-free too. Thai Chicken Balls Yields 10-12 chicken balls 1 lb organic ground chicken 1/2 cup almond meal 1/2 cup yellow onion, finely diced 6 cloves garlic, minced 2 Tbsp red curry paste (I used Thai Kitchen brand) 2 Tbsp tamari 1/2 lemon squeezed 1 egg, beaten 1/2 tsp sea salt & black pepper coconut oil (for searing) The online store evasion in our daily life has made so many things easy and hassle free. canadian pharmacy tadalafil However, there best cheap viagra have been cases of fraudulence committed by online Canadian pharmacies. You will get your product delivered to best viagra in uk your place within a few minutes. If you are experiencing anxiety about performance, consider counseling to help relieve stress and other emotional issues that are restricting your sex life. price of sildenafil Directions Preheat oven to 400F. In a stainless steel mixing bowl, combine ground chicken, almond meal, diced onion, minced garlic, curry paste, tamari, lemon, egg, sea salt & pepper. Combine well. Form mixture into chicken balls. Note: the mixture will seem a bit wet but this is fine – it’ll make for a juicer, tastier chicken ball. In a large frying pan over medium heat sear the chicken balls in a little coconut oil to get some really nice colour on the outside – you want them golden brown. Finish the chicken balls off in the oven. Bake them for 8 minutes. Note: If you’re frying pan is oven safe, it can go directly into the oven. Otherwise, transfer the chicken balls to a parchment lined cookie sheet. Serve with a dipping sauce such as mango chutney or our personal fave, The Thai Kitchen’s Sweet Red Chili Sauce. I serve this up over romaine lettuce with wild rice or sautéed baby bok...
Read MoreIt’s that beautiful time of year again: Weather is warming, days are getting longer, flowers are blooming, lawn mowers are rumbling. but that also means Allergy Season! If you’re one of the many Canadians who suffers from allergies, your Spring may not be as enjoyable as it could be. Don’t let your allergies get in the way of enjoying the outdoors this year! There are a variety of all-natural treatments that studies show can help with allergy symptoms, often without many of the troubling side effects ascribed to traditional over the counter medications. When it comes to anti histamines the most common side effect is drowsiness, but did you know that decongestants can cause: Nervousness Sleeplessness Increased heart rate Increased blood pressure But, if men suffer from erectile visit over here now purchasing viagra in canada dysfunction and related issues. Unless the act continues, there is no such patent protection act Dosage and Prices price of viagra tablet and so any company will be able to produce the same medicine by the same name. One of the healthiest foods viagra tablet in india on the planet is Organic Acai. It is one of the best ayurvedic remedies to enhance vigor and vitality. levitra viagra For a growing number of allergy sufferers natural remedies have been their first line of treatment and prevention of allergy symptoms. In addition, research has shown proper and effective seasonal allergy management can also improve asthma and food allergy symptoms! That’s because treating the body’s allergy response involves decreasing inflammation and reactive immunoglobulins (IgE) which are commonly elevated and hyperactive in both asthma and food allergies. These studies have found that skin allergies including eczema, response to hay fever and bronchial asthma improved in both children and adults with the natural treatment of allergy symptoms! A natural approach to preventing and effectively treating allergies involves basic principles of supporting the immune system, cleaning up aggravating foods in the diet and tailoring treatments to your specific allergy needs and symptoms. Effective treatments can range from homeopathic remedies to herbal formulas to nutraceuticals. Among the most popular allergy treatments are grape seed extract and a flavonoid compound known as quercetin. Although both occur naturally in many foods, when used in supplement form they can be extremely helpful in reducing allergy symptoms particularly in conjunction with vitamin C. Herbs such as goldenseal and nettle have been shown to be effective in reducing allergy symptoms (sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes) associated with hay fever and grass and pollen allergies. A number of homeopathic remedies have been found to be safe and effective in reducing allergy symptoms, including hay fever and skin conditions, in children of all ages. In addition to natural treatments acupuncture can be particularly useful if you are suffering from multiple allergies, since it works to quiet the areas of the immune system that are overstimulated by exposure to multiple irritating factors. Stop letting your allergies get in the way. There are many natural treatment options and it’s a matter of finding the right one for...
Read MoreFrom Broadway to ballet, the hallmarks of a good dancer’s performance are the same: grace, fluidity and mobility. But these attributes are not created overnight. In my practice, I treat dancers of all ages (from 4 to 40 years!) who have demanding schedules that often involve weekly practices, or in the case of professional dancers, are required to perform up to eight stage performances a week. As you can imagine, people who need to keep up with this level of activity are bound to suffer from the occasional injury. For dancers the correct alignment of the body’s structure directly impacts the quality of their performance, lifespan of their career and overall wellbeing as a performing artist. Practicing movements and patterns time after time can lead to repetitive strains, which can affect the dancer’s ability to execute and focus on technique. Ballistic movements and tumbles come with the territory and can take a toll on the body over time. This applies to all athletes. Many dancers simply accept aches and pains in their feet, ankles, knees, hip and back as part of the package of being a performing artist but this doesn’t have to be the case. Specific Injuries in Dancers Dancers are prone to injuries that are not commonly seen in the general public due to the specific demands on their body. In fact, research suggests that ballet is just behind football as the overall most demanding activity when considering neuromuscular and psychometric parameters. Results from a study titled “Injury Patterns in Elite Professional Ballet Dancers and the Utility of Screening Patterns to Identify Risk Characteristics” found that the most common injuries that dancers experience is in the foot/ankle (53 percent), followed by the hip (22 percent), the knee (16%), and the back (9 percent). While most people associate chiropractic care with back pain, more and more dancers rely on chiropractors to not only treat problems that often arise but to help dancers perform at their optimal best. http://davidfraymusic.com/events/davies-symphony-hall-san-francisco-3/ viagra 25 mg The causes could be very dangerous if not taken seriously. Some of the biggest viagra best price davidfraymusic.com blockbuster films and the most critically acclaimed ones have fair shares of the countless movie locations in California that areperfect for filming. It also purchase levitra in canada helps to boost male fertility. Below are 5 common side effects that individuals may experience when taking best price on levitra the anti-erectile medication. 1. Maintaining proper mobility/flexibility throughout the body allows dancers to perform their moves with more ease and efficiency while decreasing their risk of repetitive strain injuries due to poor mechanics. Dancing requires coordination and balance, which stem from strong muscles, bones and ligaments. If your body is out of alignment it can be vulnerable to injuries when you bust a move on the dance floor. Chiropractic adjustments restore mobitlity to restricted joints as well as assessing the soft tissues (muscles/tendons and ligaments) for undue tension leading to imbalances in the spine/pelvis and legs. Studies have shown that dancers with low thigh strength levels and hamstrings that were disproportionately weaker than the quadriceps had a greater degree of injury in the lower extremity. Maintaining hip and pelvic mobility is paramount to a dancer’s mobility. Don’t Get Sidelined It all comes down to mechanics: the body is a machine made of moveable parts and subject to the stresses placed upon it. Over time, these stresses can present itself as stiffness, snapping, aching or restrictions to movement leading to poor form and inefficient mechanics. Many times dancers will push through the pain in the hopes that it will just resolve itself, but this can make it worse. When pain or restricted mobility impairs the movement of the body the dance and the artistic expression suffers. To perform optimally all parts must be functioning and moving at their best. Regular adjustments, scheduled in tandem with your practice schedule (preferably prior to a practice session), will improve your performance significantly. So whether you’re taking a recreational hip hop or ballet class or performing professionally, consider adding chiropractic care to your training. Your body...
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Read MoreDid you know that your thyroid gland is responsible for your body’s metabolism? It actually plays a vital role in managing weight, mood, body temperature and energy. Prolonged and unexplained fatigue, weight gain and depressed mood could indicate a low functioning thyroid, a condition known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the most common of the thyroid disorders. It occurs when the thyroid gland becomes underactive and does not produce enough thyroid hormones. The metabolic rate falls and normal bodily functions slow down. Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to “run the body’s metabolism,” it is understandable that people with this condition will have symptoms associated with a slow metabolism. Signs and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism: Fatigue Weakness Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight Coarse, dry hair Dry, rough pale skin Hair loss Cold intolerance (you can’t tolerate cold temperatures like those around you) Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches Constipation Depression Irritability Memory loss Abnormal menstrual cycles Decreased libido The untimely knowledge was due to the fact that cheap viagra without prescription it hampers blood flow and causes issues with the nervous system. Kamagra is among a purchase viagra from canada famous medicine to relive erectile dysfunction quickly and simply. It can be of big help in bringing back the lost sildenafil india wholesale click that pharmacy shop confident in a male. Trained practitioners working viagra pills cheap in the field of acupuncture in Eugene and Salem stimulate specific points on the body to increase the metabolism, have an affect on protein synthesis. If this sounds a lot like symptoms you are experiencing there are solutions. Whether you are currently being treated medically for an underactive thyroid but still feel awful or would like to test your own thyroid hormones a naturopath can help! Treatment plans are designed to address your individual symptoms and level of thyroid dysfunction in order to get you feeling better sooner, and safely. Hypothyroid Treatment Overview: Complete and comprehensive thyroid testing- a simple blood test can tell us exactly what’s going on with your thyroid and if it needs to be treated. Thyroid hormone replacement- based on blood work, prescription thyroid hormone is initiated and dose is optimized so you start feeling better. Nourishing & Replenishing the thyroid gland- a number of minerals and cofactors (eg. iodine and selenium) can all be supplemented in proper doses to help your thyroid function properly. Thyroid Foods- diet plays a significant role in thyroid health, some foods promote thyroid health while others hinder its function tremendously. An individualized and wholistic approach ensures all aspects of the condition can be thoroughly addressed and treated with naturopathic care. Have any questions or want to more? Ask me at drreka@entertobewell.com or info@DrReka.com. I’m here to...
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Read MoreSpeaking from experience, ear infections suck. Anyone who has experience them personally or watched their child suffer the excruciating pain knows how miserable they can be. Ear infections, also known as Otitis Media, are one of the most common childhood illnesses. Many parents have seen the positive impact chiropractic care can have in helping alleviate the symptoms and help prevent recurrent bouts of ear infections. In my clinical and personal experience I have seen the symptoms of ear infections rapidly improve after receiving chiropractic adjustments and a decrease in recurrent flare ups. What Causes Ear Infections Ear infections (aka Otitis Media) are caused by a collection of fluid behind the ear drum and often develop after respiratory infections or in association with seasonal allergies. The drainage tube of the ear (the Eustachian tube) can be choked off due to inflammation or tight muscles, resulting in fluid building up in the ear. Fluid and/or pus fills the area and pushes on the ear drum from the inside causing intense pain. The medicinal approach will likely vary from watch and wait to prescribing antibiotics to surgically inserting tubes in the ears for recurrent infections. Yet many people are looking for a more natural approach and are turning to chiropractic instead of traditional allopathic resources for their children. How does chiropractic care help with ear infections? The basic chiropractic approach to otitis media would be summarized as follows: The muscles surrounding the Eustachian Tube, the channel which allows drainage of fluid (pus) from the middle ear to the back of the throat, are controlled by the nerves from top of the neck. If the spinal bones are restricted in this region you can get muscle tightness which will pinch the eustachian tube, preventing normal drainage, allow for bacterial/viral infection and increasing the pressure on the ear drum (sharp pain) and inner ear (balance). Chiropractic adjustments cause a relaxation effect to the muscles surrounding the eustachian tubes by removing pressure on the nerves which exit the back of the skull and upper neck. The problem india tadalafil http://pamelaannschoolofdance.com/priya-patel/ has become common and almost 30 million of men suffer from this problem because of the increasing stress and tension in life. And, prostatitis is not found to be cialis soft canada http://pamelaannschoolofdance.com/aid-2836 sexually-transmitted. All the ingredients naturally found in Karlovy Vary healing tab sildenafil mineral water are what the body needs. One should go for following tips to boost erection health: Choose those activities you find generic levitra online pamelaannschoolofdance.com exciting Add resistance training to improve endothelial function Take assistance of an expert to save time and money. Is the chiropractic approach more effective? In a recent study by PubMed it concludes that Chiropractic care is MORE effective and reduces symptoms faster than allopathic care. The results showed that 93% of all episodes improved, 75% in 10 days or fewer and 43% with only one or two treatments. In another recent study conducted by the American Chiropractic Association, 80% of children who were treated with chiropractic care were ear infection free for at least 6 months after care. Prevalence of Ear Infections These ear infections are most common in children 6 years old and younger and peak around 2 years of age. Before the age of 2 years, 94% of children will have had at least 1 episode of otitis media. A child’s eustachian tube is more horizontal than an adult’s which takes away from the effects of gravity to help in the drainage. Signs and Symptoms of Ear Infections The primary symptoms include soreness, pain and discomfort in the area surrounding the ear as well as: fever, fluid draining, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite and grumpy behavior. Some signs that parents should be aware of to indicate that their children have fluid accumulating in their middle ear includes: Popping or ringing in the ear. Pressure buildup. Young children unable to communicate this will oftentimes rub their ears trying to relieve the uncomfortable feeling. Difficulty hearing. Balance problems, in-coordination and dizziness. Fever References: http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/statistics/Pages/quick.aspx J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1996 Mar-Apr;19(3):169-77. The effect of the correction of the vertebral subluxation on chronic otitis...
Read MoreAny athlete knows how important it is to keep their body healthy, injury free and performing optimally. Massage Therapy can be very beneficial for athletes. Massage Therapy treatments have a physiological and psychological effect on an athletes body. Massage Therapy helps play an important role with the physiological effects it has on an athletes body. First, massage increases blood flow throughout the body, this increases oxygen and nutrients to tissues and helps assist in the removal of toxins and lactic acid build up. With the increase of blood flow, it helps to get blood moving through muscle to help loosen up, therefore helping increase flexibility, as well, improving healing times with injuries and helping decrease delayed onset muscle soreness after activity. The question that is asked very commonly is whether this view that order cialis online claim is true or not. Small towns, rural areas, and exurban enclaves cheapest viagra generic all received electoral attention. Therefore the tissue structures regain the chance to acquire the potential again to come back to the elastic and durable form by availing affluent blood supply. cialis super why not try here As a matter of fact, this problem does have the potential viagra shop usa to destroy even seemingly solid relationship and tear them apart, due to the deep feeling of frustration which comes with a sensation of being ‘trapped’ with a male partner who suffers from erectile dysfunction. The psychological effects that massage therapy treatments provide are also important for an athlete. Going into any event can be stressful and make any athlete anxious. Massage helps to relax your nervous system so you can be relaxed and focused during the event. Athletes put so much time into training that you want to be focused when its time to put all that hard work to use. It is important for athletes to have massage therapy treatments regularly. Massage for pre events, post events and general maintenance will help keep an athletes body healthy, injury free and performing optimally. On your mark, get set, GET...
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