Posted by Dr. Reka Laszlo on Jul 22, 2015 in Blog | 0 comments
We all know how important our sleep is but we may not realize how many things we do on a regular basis can contribute and hinder sleep. A good night’s sleep can provide the body with enough time to heal and rest, reduce pain, enhance digestion and regenerate our adrenal glands (our energy stores). Difficulty falling asleep and waking up frequently in the night can hinder all of these important and vital processes leading to fatigue, less resilience to daily stress and increased pain.
There are 2 hormones which control our sleep and wake cycle: Melatonin and Serotonin. When the sun rises the light is picked up by receptors in our eyes (even when they are closed!) to produce serotonin, a hormones which makes us feel awake, energized and happy. In the evening when the sun sets the dark environment observed by the same receptors in our eyes initiate the production of melatonin, our sleep hormone. All activities that are either stimulating or hinder the production of melatonin can significant impact the quality of sleep.
When it comes treating sleep issues I often like to educate patients first on how to optimize their Sleep Hygiene before looking into sleep aids because these simple tips are often overlooked and can make a big difference in quality of sleep:
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The key is to avoid a stimulating environment and get your mind and body into a calm state of relaxation! If you’ve perfected these tips and still experience difficulty sleeping, a natural sleep aid may be needed. Want to know more? Stay tuned next month for my “Natural Sleep Aids- from A to Zzzzzzz” post or feel free to contact me. I’m here to help!